Mexico road maintenance plans

Mexico is planning a series of road upgrade and improvement works across is Federal Road network. However, only roads that are not tolled will be covered by this programme, which has a budget of US$1.03 billion. Around 8,500km of the 40,500km network has been identified as being in need of improvement works. The Secretariat of Communications and Transport (SCT) is prioritising the road sections most in need of improvements to be tackled first and is planning the tender process.
Finance & Funding / February 1, 2019

Mexico is planning a series of road upgrade and improvement works across is Federal Road network. However, only roads that are not tolled will be covered by this programme, which has a budget of US$1.03 billion. Around 8,500km of the 40,500km network has been identified as being in need of improvement works. The Secretariat of Communications and Transport (SCT) is prioritising the road sections most in need of improvements to be tackled first and is planning the tender process.
