JTD aims for six Jakarta toll roads to start in 2015

Jakarta Tollroad Development (JTD) has said it aims to start construction of the six Jakarta inner city toll roads in the middle of next year. The project, nearly 70km in total and much of it elevated, is at the detailed engineering design stage. The toll roads will connect all five of Jakarta’s municipalities. The first construction stage involving the Semanan-Sunter-Pulogebang toll road is expected to US$1.20 billion. Total cost for the whole project is estimated at up to $3.2 billion. According to
Finance & Funding / October 31, 2014
Jakarta Tollroad Development (JTD) has said it aims to start construction of the six Jakarta inner city toll roads in the middle of next year.

The project, nearly 70km in total and much of it elevated, is at the detailed engineering design stage. The toll roads will connect all five of Jakarta’s municipalities.

The first construction stage involving the Semanan-Sunter-Pulogebang toll road is expected to US$1.20 billion. Total cost for the whole project is estimated at up to $3.2 billion.

According to a report by the <%$Linker:2External<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?><dictionary />000oLinkExternalJakarta PostVisit Jakarta Post Website falsehttp://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2014/07/26/construction-six-inner-city-toll-roads-begin-next-year.htmlfalsefalse%> in July, the project is scheduled to be completed in 2018 with tolls being paid on all roads by 2022.

Jakarta deputy governor Basuki “Ahok” Tjahaja Purnama said at the time that he expected construction of all six roads would be carried out simultaneously, instead of several stages as previously planned.

To cope with the consequences, including severe traffic gridlock, Ahok said the city would restrict the use of vehicles in the capital by applying electronic road pricing (ERP), as well as providing free-of-charge double-decker buses in an effort to coax motorcyclists onto public transportation.

“I think we can also limit the distribution of subsidised fuel in Jakarta,” he said.

The toll roads also will have dedicated lanes for Transjakarta buses.