Ecuador road widening project planned

A road widening project worth US$134.3 million is now going ahead in Ecuador. The road connecting Aloag with Santo Domingo is being improved along a 100km stretch, widening the route so that it will feature two lanes in either direction instead of the single lane in either direction at present. This will boost the transport connection between Pichincha Province and Santo Domingo de los Tsachilas Province. The contract was originally awarded in 2015 but stalled in 2017 following a disagreement over tolling.
Finance & Funding / July 3, 2018

A road widening project worth US$134.3 million is now going ahead in Ecuador. The road connecting Aloag with Santo Domingo is being improved along a 100km stretch, widening the route so that it will feature two lanes in either direction instead of the single lane in either direction at present. This will boost the transport connection between Pichincha Province and Santo Domingo de los Tsachilas Province. The contract was originally awarded in 2015 but stalled in 2017 following a disagreement over tolling. Funding has now been secured by the local authorities and the work should be complete in early 2019.

Also being planned by Ecuador’s Ministry of Transport and Public Works (MOTP) are a bypass around Santo Domingo as well as improvement works to the road connecting Santo Domingo with Quevedo and the road linking Babahoyo with Jujan. Studies into road projects connecting through to Alluriquin and Tinalandia are being handled by MOTP, with the schedule calling for the construction to be complete by 2021. New road tenders are opening in Santo Domingo de los Tsachilas Province, with the contracts due to be awarded in late
