EFKON delivers enforcement system for ASFINAG digital vignette

EFKON has delivered the first enforcement systems to Austria’s road operator ASFINAG for the monitoring of the new digital motorway vignette. EFKON, part of international Austrian contractor STRABAG, provides road toll collection and enforcement systems. The ASFINAG contract uses video technology to electronically identify vehicles that do not comply with the Austrian road tax requirement, explained Thomas Birtel, chief executive of STRABAG. In November, sales began of the digital vignette as a way to pro
Highway & Network Management / May 18, 2018
EFKON has delivered the first enforcement systems to Austria’s road operator ASFINAG for the monitoring of the new digital motorway vignette.

3608 EFKON, part of international Austrian contractor 945 STRABAG, provides road toll collection and enforcement systems. The ASFINAG contract uses video technology to electronically identify vehicles that do not comply with the Austrian road tax requirement, explained Thomas Birtel, chief executive of STRABAG.

In November, sales began of the digital vignette as a way to prove payment of the Austrian road tax for vehicles weighing less than 3.5tonnes. By December, EFKON began delivery of the system for deployment on motorways and expressways as well as on- and off-ramps. The system supports ASFINAG’s toll enforcement officers in their work.

EFKON says that its monitoring system for the digital vignette combines all necessary functions compactly in a single device. The greatly simplified assembly and installation make it possible to frequently switch locations.

From a position on the side of the roadway, the system monitors the traffic and takes high-resolution images of the passing vehicles. In this way, toll compliance is monitored without any interruption to the flow of traffic. If it is determined that a vehicle is not in possession of a valid vignette, the information is transmitted to the ASFINAG toll enforcement staff.

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