Vietnam’s safer roads in 2020

Vietnam sees a road safety improvement in 2020.
Highway & Network Management / October 7, 2020 35 seconds Read
By MJ Woof
Vietnam’s road safety levels improved for 2020 - image © courtesy of Sophie Williams
Vietnam’s road safety levels improved for 2020 - image © courtesy of Sophie Williams
Vietnam has seen a road safety improvement in 2020, compared with 2019. During the first nine months of this year, there were 10,354 crashes, 7,609 serious injuries and 4,876 road deaths. Compared with the data for 2019, this showed a drop in road crashes of 18.3%, a fall in serious injuries from road crashes of 20.9% and reduction in road deaths of 13.84% respectively.

The data has been provided by Vietnam’s National Traffic Safety Committee.

It is of note that Vietnam was quick to lockdown due to the pandemic, resulting in a response to the situation that was better than most nations, with a low fatality rate from the virus. This lockdown will also have affected traffic for the nine month period, reducing movements. But the National Traffic Safety Committee has not given information on the traffic volumes during the nine month period allowing a comparison with the figures for 2019. However, Vietnam’s road safety levels have undoubtedly improved, a positive note amidst difficult times.