Local Hungarian construction firms HE-DO Építo, Soltút Útépíto, Fenntartó és Kereskedelmi and STRABAG Építoipari have won Sajo valley road contracts.
The work was awarded under a public procurement tender called by the national infrastructure development agency Nemzeti Infrastruktura Fejleszto.
Investment will total €102.1 million (US$124.24 million). A 10.6-km-long road section between Berente and Saloszentpeter is to be built with six bridges and two roundabouts. In addition, the number 2606 road is to be developed between the number 26 and 260 main roads. STRABAG is working on several projects in the country at present.
Other bidders for the work were Duna Aszfalt Út és Mélyépíto and SDD Consortium, including DÖMPER, Subterra - Raab and Pannon-Doprastav.
The Sajó River valley runs 229km in total, from the Stolica Mountains in Slovakia and into Hungary; around 120km are in Hungary.
Meanwhile, in 2021 and 2022, the government said it will spend more than €1.72 billion ($2.1 billion) under the Modern Towns' Programme, according to Alpar Gyoparos, commissioner for the development of modern cities and villages. As well as on road and public transport projects, the amount will be spent on tourism, health, education, culture and sports.