Jaipur-Delhi highway being planned in India

Work is now well in hand in India on the plans to construct a new highway connecting capital Delhi with Jaipur in Rajasthan. The new highway will measure some 195km long, cutting the route between the two cities by around 40km. The highway will feature six lanes, with three in either direction, and will be tolled. The National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) is at present handling the land acquisition process, a task that can be complex in India. The route runs through 423 villages in seven districts and
Road Structures / March 23, 2017
Work is now well in hand in India on the plans to construct a new highway connecting capital Delhi with Jaipur in Rajasthan. The new highway will measure some 195km long, cutting the route between the two cities by around 40km. The highway will feature six lanes, with three in either direction, and will be tolled. The National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) is at present handling the land acquisition process, a task that can be complex in India. The route runs through 423 villages in seven districts and the cost of the project is expected to top US$997 million. As much of the land along which the route runs is held privately, the costs for compensating the owners and rehousing villagers could be high.