Indonesia’s new tolled highway projects

A series of major infrastructure projects are now moving forward in Indonesia, with financing sources having been identified for the work. Key projects include a tolled highway for East Java and a new tolled road and bridge link in East Kalimantan. Work on the 158km South Coast road project for East Java is moving forward with the securing of financing in the shape of a US$225.8 million loan from the Islamic Development Bank (IDB). A tolled highway link is being planned between Melawai in Balikpapan city
Road Structures / September 29, 2016
A series of major infrastructure projects are now moving forward in Indonesia, with financing sources having been identified for the work. Key projects include a tolled highway for East Java and a new tolled road and bridge link in East Kalimantan. Work on the 158km South Coast road project for East Java is moving forward with the securing of financing in the shape of a US$225.8 million loan from the Islamic Development Bank (IDB).

A tolled highway link is being planned between Melawai in Balikpapan city and Nipah-Nipah, in East Kalimantan. This connection will include a 6.4km section spanning Balikpapan Bay, with the new route expected to cut journey times from four hours at present to just 30 minutes when the road is opened to traffic. Various cost estimates have been suggested although the work could cost as much as $534 million. A joint venture called Tol Teluk Balikpapan has been established that will handle the project. An environmental impact analysis is now being carried out, along with studies into the technical feasibility and financial security of the toll bridge and road connection.
