Guatemala road development requires planning

The Guatemala Government is now working on a plan to address the deficiencies in the country’s road network. Key issues include reforming State Procurement Law, giving greater authority to the general road agency, Direccion General de Caminos (DGC) and the Army Engineers Group, and stopping road projects that face serious problems.
Road Structures / July 31, 2017

The Guatemala Government is now working on a plan to address the deficiencies in the country’s road network. Key issues include reforming State Procurement Law, giving greater authority to the general road agency, Direccion General de Caminos (DGC) and the Army Engineers Group, and stopping road projects that face serious problems. Meanwhile the tender process has been opened for 14 of the country’s 46 planned road repair and maintenance projects. These projects will see improvements to nearly 715km of roads. Guatemala’s Ministry of Communications, Infrastructure and Housing (CIV) has a budget of US$205.64 million for these projects.
