Chile-Argentina Agua Negra Tunnel latest news

Interest is strong in the project to build the Agua Negra Tunnel, which will connect Chile and Argentina. So far 10 consortia have been pre-selected to enter the bidding process for the project. However Ebitan, the joint Chilean/Agentinian commission with responsibility for the project has said it will not release the names of the consortia that have been pre-selected until November 2017 instead.
Road Structures / September 28, 2017
Interest is strong in the project to build the Agua Negra Tunnel, which will connect Chile and Argentina. So far 10 consortia have been pre-selected to enter the bidding process for the project. However Ebitan, the joint Chilean/Agentinian commission with responsibility for the project has said it will not release the names of the consortia that have been pre-selected until November 2017 instead. The 10 consortia comprise 26 contractors from countries including Argentina, Chile, Italy, Spain and Switzerland. Up to US$1.5 billion of the funding required will be provided by the IADB.

The Agua Negra Tunnel will provide a much needed link between the two countries. At present drivers have the choice of an existing tunnel or a mountain pass. However the tunnel lies at altitude and is often blocked in winter. The mountain pass is narrow and has very twisty connecting roads of questionable safety meaning that it is not suitable for heavy vehicles, while it is even more likely to be blocked by snow in winter.