US$443 million Medellin tunnel

A US$443 million road tunnel is planned for Medellin.
Road Structures / July 31, 2024 25 seconds Read
By MJ Woof
A new road tunnel link is planned for the Colombian city of Medellin – image courtesy of © Juan Fernando Velez Melguizo|

The Colombian city of Medellin is to benefit from a new road tunnel costing nearly US$443 million. This will be the second tunnel for the city. Once the work gets underway, construction is expected to take 40 months to complete.

Medellin’s first tunnel was the Túnel de Oriente, which connects the city with the José María Córdova International Airport in Rionegro. At 8.2km in length, the Túnel de Oriente is the second longest road tunnel in Latin America, after the Tunel de la Linea, also in Colombia. However, the 9.7km Toyo Tunnel currently under construction will become the longest in Latin America once complete.
