South Carolina sets out 10 year transport plan

The problem of inadequate bridges is widespread across US states but South Carolina is devising a 10-year plan that will address the structures in most need of attention. The programme of works will also tackle roads that have been identified as being in inadequate condition.
Road Structures / July 10, 2017

The problem of inadequate bridges is widespread across US states but South Carolina is devising a 10-year plan that will address the structures in most need of attention. The programme of works will also tackle roads that have been identified as being in inadequate condition. The programme of works is being set out by the South Carolina Department of Transportation (SCDOT), with the work being paid for by slight increases in the taxes for fuel and vehicle sales. The state commenced its bridge replacement programme in 2013; however the additional revenue from these further taxes will allow another 465 bridges to be repaired or replaced in the 10-year period. In addition SCDOT is improving 224km of Interstate links in the state at present, while further plans call for improved safety features to be installed on rural roads such as adding shoulders or installing guard rail and rumble strips.
