Slovakia tunnelling project on track

Work on a key portion of a major tunnelling project in Slovakia has been completed. Contractor Doprastav has complete boring of the 2km Ovciarsko tunnel, which forms part of the D1 highway route. The Ovciarsko lies close to Zilina and Doprastav commenced the drive for the 2.367km long tunnel in September 2014. This is one of two tunnels along the 11km stretch of the D1 between Hricovske Podhradi and Lietavska Lucka. This is one of the most challenging sections of the D1 to construct as it requires building
Road Structures / May 9, 2016
Work on a key portion of a major tunnelling project in Slovakia has been completed. Contractor 2877 Doprastav has complete boring of the 2km Ovciarsko tunnel, which forms part of the D1 highway route. The Ovciarsko lies close to Zilina and Doprastav commenced the drive for the 2.367km long tunnel in September 2014. This is one of two tunnels along the 11km stretch of the D1 between Hricovske Podhradi and Lietavska Lucka. This is one of the most challenging sections of the D1 to construct as it requires building 11 bridges as well as the two tunnels. The second tunnel, a 700m drive close to Zilina, is due for completion at the end of 2016. The 11km stretch of the D1 between Hricovske Podhradi and Lietavska Lucka meanwhile is due for completion in December 2018.
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