Polish dual carriageway under construction

Work is underway in Poland on the S1 dual carriageway that will connect the country with neighbouring Slovakia. The project is costing €1.17 billion and the new link should be ready for traffic in 2023. The tender process is underway for one of the sections at present with the bids being reviewed for the stretch linking Pryzbedza and Milowka.
Road Structures / June 20, 2018

Work is underway in Poland on the S1 dual carriageway that will connect the country with neighbouring Slovakia. The project is costing €1.17 billion and the new link should be ready for traffic in 2023. The tender process is underway for one of the sections at present with the bids being reviewed for the stretch linking Pryzbedza and Milowka. The winner of the tender should be announced in the third quarter of 2018. When complete the new S1 will provide an improved road connection from the A1 highway and Katowice Airport to the border at Zwardon with Slovakia, where it will link with the neighbouring country’s D3 highway. This will reduce journey times between Bielsko-Biala in Poland to the Slovakian border to just 30 minutes.
