Planned Paraguay PPP project postponed

Bidding for Paraguay’s route II and route VII Ypacarai-Pastoreo road expansion project has been postponed. Instead Paraguay’s Ministry of Public Works and Communications (MOPC) says that the bidding will commence on 29th June 2016. This delay follows requests by some participants in this process. However, this is the fourth time that the opening of the bidding for the project has been delayed.
Road Structures / May 3, 2016

Bidding for Paraguay’s route II and route VII Ypacarai-Pastoreo road expansion project has been postponed. Instead Paraguay’s Ministry of Public Works and Communications (MOPC) says that the bidding will commence on 29th June 2016. This delay follows requests by some participants in this process. However, this is the fourth time that the opening of the bidding for the project has been delayed. A total of 11 firms have been pre-qualified in this tender, and six expressed an interest in going forward to the tender phase. This latest delay should allow time for all 11 firms to make bids. A public hearing is due to take place during which pre-qualified firms will outline their positions as well as their opinions on this first Public-Private Partnership (PPP) for Paraguay’s infrastructure sector. Investments have been estimated at US$400 million. Road toll tariffs will have a bearing on MOP’s final decision on which firm will win the bidding process.
