New roads to boost Ghana industry

Ghana in West Africa continues to see its economy develop, due to a combination of factors, allowing more investment for roads that will further aid future growth. The Ghanaian Government has plans to invest in building new roads that will connect cocoa growing communities. This programme is being planned by the Ghana Cocoa Board (Cocobod), with some US$150 million intended for road revamping and construction purposes. The work will help with transportation of cocoa beans and aid in the development of the c
Road Structures / December 16, 2014
Ghana in West Africa continues to see its economy develop, due to a combination of factors, allowing more investment for roads that will further aid future growth. The Ghanaian Government has plans to invest in building new roads that will connect cocoa growing communities. This programme is being planned by the Ghana Cocoa Board (Cocobod), with some US$150 million intended for road revamping and construction purposes. The work will help with transportation of cocoa beans and aid in the development of the country's cocoa industry. Ghana has benefited strongly from its mining industry in recent years, with many new roads and highways connecting to the large surface operations. However this new strategy will help diversify the economy and reduce the reliance on a single industry, providing a stronger economic future.