Mozambique road contract for Korean company

A South Korean contractor will carry out construction work on a project in Mozambique. The package of works is worth US$44.1 million and will be carried out by the South Korean contractor, POSCO Engineering & Construction (POSCO E&C). The contract was awarded by the Mozambique Government and will see the upgrading of a 70km road that is unsurfaced at present. The work will take 30 months to complete and the contractor will pave and widen the road link, boosting traffic speeds, capacity and safety on the rou
Road Structures / December 13, 2017

A South Korean contractor will carry out construction work on a project in Mozambique. The package of works is worth US$44.1 million and will be carried out by the South Korean contractor, 3042 POSCO Engineering & Construction (POSCO E&C). The contract was awarded by the Mozambique Government and will see the upgrading of a 70km road that is unsurfaced at present. The work will take 30 months to complete and the contractor will pave and widen the road link, boosting traffic speeds, capacity and safety on the route.

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