Mexico’s Puebla State to develop infrastructure

Mexico’s Puebla State has major plans to develop its infrastructure, with the transport network having been placed as a priority for economic growth. A budget of some US$1.21 billion has been set out for infrastructure projects between 2014 and 2018. Of this, some 66.2% will be used to construct a new highway.
Road Structures / April 30, 2014
Mexico’s Puebla State has major plans to develop its infrastructure, with the transport network having been placed as a priority for economic growth. A budget of some US$1.21 billion has been set out for infrastructure projects between 2014 and 2018. Of this, some 66.2% will be used to construct a new highway. This will be constructed along the route of the existing motorway between capital Mexico City and Veracruz, and running close to the near the 3503 Volkswagen automotive plant. The budget also includes spending to be used on cycleways, a new secondary road to Cuautla, works along the Tepeaca-Zacatepec motorway and works along the Tepeaca-Tehuacan motorway.
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