Construction firm Wijaya Karya (Wika) is heading the consortium that will build the Serang-Panimbang toll highway in Indonesia’s Banten province. The 40 year concession package for the US$825.85 million project was awarded to the state-owned construction firm and its two partners by the Toll Road Regulatory Agency. Wika has a 90% stake in the consortium, with the remainder held by its partners, Jababeka and Pembangunan Perumahan, which each have a 5% share. The construction work will be carried out in three
Construction firm 5207 Wijaya Karya (Wika) is heading the consortium that will build the Serang-Panimbang toll highway in Indonesia’s Banten province. The 40 year concession package for the US$825.85 million project was awarded to the state-owned construction firm and its two partners by the Toll Road Regulatory Agency. Wika has a 90% stake in the consortium, with the remainder held by its partners, Jababeka and Pembangunan Perumahan, which each have a 5% share. The construction work will be carried out in three phases, with the first section running from Serang to Rangkasbitung. The second stretch will be between Rangkasbitung and Bojong while the third will be from Bojong to Panimbang.