Delay possible for Chile-Argentina tunnel project

Delays may be a possibility for the construction of the Agua Negra Tunnel, which will run through the Andes mountain range and connect Argentina and Chile. The tendering process is being held back while further geological studies are carried out. An analysis of the initial geological work carried out so far for the project has highlighted a number of discrepancies with the information gathered. It is known that there are three main fault lines cutting across the intended tunnel route however. The tunnel
Road Structures / May 10, 2018

Delays may be a possibility for the construction of the Agua Negra Tunnel, which will run through the Andes mountain range and connect Argentina and Chile. The tendering process is being held back while further geological studies are carried out. An analysis of the initial geological work carried out so far for the project has highlighted a number of discrepancies with the information gathered. It is known that there are three main fault lines cutting across the intended tunnel route however. The tunnel will measure nearly 14km in length when complete and will feature twin tubes placed some 40-50m apart for much of the distance.
