Chile highway link project for Valdivia

New dual carriageway connections are to be built in Chile to join the town of Valdivia to the Ruta 5 highway. The work is expected to cost US$250 million in all, with the work being planned by Chile’s Ministry of Public Works (MOP) and construction due to start in 2021.
Road Structures / June 26, 2017

New dual carriageway connections are to be built in Chile to join the town of Valdivia to the Ruta 5 highway. The work is expected to cost US$250 million in all, with the work being planned by Chile’s Ministry of Public Works (MOP) and construction due to start in 2021. The northern link road will run from Valdivia’s Rio Calle Calle area to San Jose de la Mariquina and will be around 48km long. This road will provide an improved link than the existing 202 link, with an additional benefit being better access to the airport at Pichoy, around 32km from Valdivia.

Meanwhile the southern stretch of road will be 47.5km long and connect with Ruta 5 at Paillaco. This will provided a better link than the existing 205 route, helping boost trade and tourism in the region, which lies to the south of capital Santiago and to the north of Chiloe Island where the Chacao Bridge project is commencing. The new dual carriageways will not be tolled however as MOP is considering changing the end date for concession package that covers the Ruta Los Rios (Ruta 5) from 2023 at present to 2019. This amendment would allow the cost of building the new access roads to be incorporated into the new concession package for the Ruta Los Rios.
