Bulgaria road tunnel tender recommencing

The tender process for a tunnel project on Bulgaria’s Struma Highway is now reopening. The project did go to tender earlier this year but has now had to be restarted following unexpected technical issues.
Road Structures / June 20, 2017

The tender process for a tunnel project on Bulgaria’s Struma Highway is now reopening. The project did go to tender earlier this year but has now had to be restarted following unexpected technical issues. The work will be for the construction of the Zheleznitsa tunnel, a project expected to cost in the order of €128 million. The project will be split into three separate lots, with the work including two road links as well as the tunnel.

The 156km Struma Highway will improve transport for Bulgaria when complete, running from the capital Sofia to the border with Greece. Around 87km of the highway has been completed and is already in use. However some sections of the route are complex due to the difficult terrain in the Kresna Gorge and due to environmental considerations, have involved the construction of viaducts and the tunnel sections.
