Youthful driver

In Norway a 10 year old boy has now been stopped by police on two occasions for driving his parent’s car. On the first occasion the boy waited until his parents were sleeping and then sneaked out of his room and drove off in the family car in a bid to visit his grandparents, some 60km away. Worse still, he took his 18 month old sister along for the ride.
May 16, 2014
In Norway a 10 year old boy has now been stopped by police on two occasions for driving his parent’s car. On the first occasion the boy waited until his parents were sleeping and then sneaked out of his room and drove off in the family car in a bid to visit his grandparents, some 60km away. Worse still, he took his 18 month old sister along for the ride. His skills behind the wheel were not quite sufficient and he ran off the road and into a snowdrift around 10km from home. Luckily he was found by a snow plough driver who called the police. However when asked about his age, the boy claimed he was a dwarf and was not carrying his driver’s license. The car was undamaged and the children uninjured so the boy was let off with a warning, although the parents were rather less than happy with their son’s behaviour. Not content with being caught once, the boy has since been stopped once more by the police for driving. And once again he has used the same excuse that he was old enough to drive but was in fact a dwarf. The police were as unimpressed with his lie second time around. Just what his parents thought has not been revealed, nor is it clear how they will prevent their son from driving again in the future.