When geese attack

A driver in Toronto thought she would stop to help when she spotted a family of geese, two adults and nine goslings, crossing a road. The parents were able to hop over the kerbside but some of the young goslings were too small to make the jump necessary. The woman stopped her car and rushed to the aid of the struggling goslings, trying to scoop them up and placing them safely on the pedestrian walkway. However, the mother goose failed to appreciate this gesture was intended to help the goslings rather than
October 5, 2016
A driver in Toronto thought she would stop to help when she spotted a family of geese, two adults and nine goslings, crossing a road. The parents were able to hop over the kerbside but some of the young goslings were too small to make the jump necessary. The woman stopped her car and rushed to the aid of the struggling goslings, trying to scoop them up and placing them safely on the pedestrian walkway. However, the mother goose failed to appreciate this gesture was intended to help the goslings rather than harm them and reacted angrily, by attacking the woman. The woman fell over during the attack but then quickly assisted the remaining goslings over the kerb after the mother goose turned away.