Tougher sign from SignPost Solutions

SignPost Solutions claims that its Signstr8 product is an innovative, anti-rotational signpost that is highly resistant to crash damage and vandalism. The Signstr8 sign post can be made from either steel or aluminium, and outwardly looks like any other sign post. It uses standard fixings and a cap on the top. The difference is that Signstr8 has a designed-in flat portion so that once installed the sign is fixed and cannot be twisted around the post. This means that the signs will always have the corr
May 20, 2016
sign system from SignPost Solutions
The new sign system from SignPost Solutions is said to be tough and durable
2439 SignPost Solutions claims that its Signstr8 product is an innovative, anti-rotational signpost that is highly resistant to crash damage and vandalism.

The Signstr8 sign post can be made from either steel or aluminium, and outwardly looks like any other sign post.  It uses standard fixings and a cap on the top. The difference is that Signstr8 has a designed-in flat portion so that once installed the sign is fixed and cannot be twisted around the post.

This means that the signs will always have the correct orientation and will not twist over time with wind pressure or by vandals according to the firm. The company says that the design will save road authorities time and money because they do not have to send out workers to straighten or repair signs. The concept also reduces the risk for workers on busy roads, and it means that the public can see the correct information.”
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