Tough on two wheels

Motorcyclists in Scotland have faced a tough time in recent months. One biker had the misfortune to collide with a sheep that had wandered into the road and in the resulting impact, broke his hip socket, pelvis and collarbone as well as cracking seven ribs and suffering a collapsed lung. His Honda motorcycle burst into flames and melted the surface of the road, leaving a bubbly texture. After five weeks in hospital the man returned home to find a letter from Aberdeenshire council containing an invoice for t
February 23, 2012
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Motorcyclists in Scotland have faced a tough time in recent months. One biker had the misfortune to collide with a sheep that had wandered into the road and in the resulting impact, broke his hip socket, pelvis and collarbone as well as cracking seven ribs and suffering a collapsed lung. His 2288 Honda motorcycle burst into flames and melted the surface of the road, leaving a bubbly texture. After five weeks in hospital the man returned home to find a letter from Aberdeenshire council containing an invoice for the road repair. In addition to the man’s serious injuries, his motorcycle as totally destroyed in the crash while the jaywalking sheep died. However the council said that claiming against the rider was standard practice, pointing out that he could sue the farmer, if it could be proven that the animal had been allowed to stray.

Meanwhile another Scottish biker has the dubious honour of being the country’s fastest ever speeder, clocking 265km/h (166mph) on his Suzuki as he roared past police. The hairdresser pleaded guilty to a charge of dangerous driving and while he took an advanced driving course immediately after the incident, has since decided to sell his performance motorcycle.

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