Suspicious car

A policeman in the UK surprised colleagues somewhat when he turned up to work in a very shiny Ferrari 458. His curious colleagues questioned how the officer could afford the costly car. Police qualified in chasing corruption cases then looked closely at the officer’s finances, finding suspicious quantities of cash. Further police work uncovered links between the officer and gangs involved in running brothels and dealing in drugs. The policeman was subsequently charged with a number of offences. He presumabl
April 17, 2015
A policeman in the UK surprised colleagues somewhat when he turned up to work in a very shiny Ferrari 458. His curious colleagues questioned how the officer could afford the costly car. Police qualified in chasing corruption cases then looked closely at the officer’s finances, finding suspicious quantities of cash. Further police work uncovered links between the officer and gangs involved in running brothels and dealing in drugs. The policeman was subsequently charged with a number of offences. He presumably has learned that showing off a flashy car he could not possibly afford on his salary scale was perhaps not the cleverest decision he had ever made.
