Social Media montioring

A dim-witted Spanish driver has found to his cost that the police monitor social media for possible offences. A 20 year old student posted a video of himself controlling his car from the passenger seat. Police spotted the clip online, which showed the driver in the passenger seat steering the car and leaning over to work the pedals.
May 16, 2014
A dim-witted Spanish driver has found to his cost that the police monitor social media for possible offences. A 20 year old student posted a video of himself controlling his car from the passenger 3068 Seat. Police spotted the clip online, which showed the driver in the passenger Seat steering the car and leaning over to work the pedals. The video attracted strong interest, particularly when the Spanish police tweeted the clip as an example of bad driving, and added that they were searching for the offender. The driver quickly realised he was being hunted down and handed himself in, receiving a caution for his poor example of driving.

Meanwhile in the UK, police spotted a man driving his car while shaving. The police were observing traffic in a workzone when they saw the man shaving while at the wheel. They then followed the driver for 5km as he continued, finally stopping him and charging him with a driving offence.
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