Not at fault?

A British man was recently pursued by police when he was spotted riding his motorcycle at speeds of up to 160km/h close to the city of Brighton. A police helicopter was sent to track him as he dodged police cars at speed and during the pursuit, he managed to crash the bike and lose his helmet in the process. Undeterred however he continued at speed, still followed by various police cars. After entering the city itself, he managed to elude the police car but then crashed his bike again, escaping on foot and
May 26, 2016
A British man was recently pursued by police when he was spotted riding his motorcycle at speeds of up to 160km/h close to the city of Brighton. A police helicopter was sent to track him as he dodged police cars at speed and during the pursuit, he managed to crash the bike and lose his helmet in the process. Undeterred however he continued at speed, still followed by various police cars. After entering the city itself, he managed to elude the police car but then crashed his bike again, escaping on foot and managing to escape the helicopter. He later gave himself up after deciding that his disguise, a haircut, would probably not fool many officers. He also said that he thought it better to hand himself in than have his front door kicked down by arresting officers. The man did say that he needed an apprenticeship and claimed that the incident was not really his fault, blaming society instead.