Good parenting?

In the US state of North Carolina, a young couple recently allowed their two year old son to steer their car while driving on a busy road. The child was perched on his father’s lap while at the wheel, without the protection of a seat belt. Worse still, the incident took place on a two lane road with oncoming traffic and it was also raining at the time. The parents were caught because they filmed their son’s first attempt to drive and then uploaded the video to a social networking site. It is not clear if th
February 18, 2013
In the US state of North Carolina, a young couple recently allowed their two year old son to steer their car while driving on a busy road. The child was perched on his father’s lap while at the wheel, without the protection of a seat belt. Worse still, the incident took place on a two lane road with oncoming traffic and it was also raining at the time. The parents were caught because they filmed their son’s first attempt to drive and then uploaded the video to a social networking site. It is not clear if the child was convicted of driving without a licence, although the parents were fined accordingly.