
In Kenya a judge found himself facing a judge following a fracas at the roadside. The judge was driving his official car, a Mercedes, when it was involved in an accident with another vehicle. The two cars stopped following the minor crash and there was a disagreement, which quickly boiled over and ended with the other driver being taken to hospital, having been stabbed in the stomach. The judge claimed that the other driver was drunk and had then fallen on his own knife as the dispute escalated. However the
February 27, 2012
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In Kenya a judge found himself facing a judge following a fracas at the roadside. The judge was driving his official car, a 2796 Mercedes, when it was involved in an accident with another vehicle. The two cars stopped following the minor crash and there was a disagreement, which quickly boiled over and ended with the other driver being taken to hospital, having been stabbed in the stomach. The judge claimed that the other driver was drunk and had then fallen on his own knife as the dispute escalated. However the other driver claimed that the judge had demanded money to pay for the damage and that when this was not forthcoming, had used the knife in anger.

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