Dogged cyclists

A British man has cycled around the UK, carrying his dog with him on his bicycle. The man cycled some 4,000km over a four-month period, sleeping in a tent along the way. He took his dog along for the trip and as the animal injured its paws running alongside, opted to transport the animal on the bicycle as well.
April 16, 2015

A British man has cycled around the UK, carrying his dog with him on his bicycle. The man cycled some 4,000km over a four-month period, sleeping in a tent along the way. He took his dog along for the trip and as the animal injured its paws running alongside, opted to transport the animal on the bicycle as well. Having enjoyed this first trip together, the man now plans to take his dog Nero on a longer journey around Europe by bicycle. Elsewhere in the UK, a cyclist was stopped by police for a somewhat unusual offence. The rider was being towed by his dog and when spotted by an officer and called to halt, initially refused to stop. The officer gave chase on foot and eventually managed to outpace the dog-driven bicycle, no doubt causing some amusement to the occupants of several cars trailing in the wake of the cyclist and unable to overtake due to the narrow roadway. The officer’s sense of humour was understandably not in evidence and the rider was charged with failing to stop as well as failing to give a name and address when requested. The man was later fined.
