CIFA, an Italian manufacturer of concrete machinery is unveiling its latest addition to its CarboTech family of truck-mounted pumps. The K53 has as 53m boom made of five sections, with the last two section made of carbon. The K60H is a 60m version, consisting of six sections, the final two in carbon fibre.
Weight of the machines has been carefully monitored, according to CIFA, which is based in Senago, near Milan, but has been part of the Chinese group Zoomlion since 2008. For both models, users can load
Weight of the machines has been carefully monitored, according to CIFA, which is based in Senago, near Milan, but has been part of the Chinese group
CIFA has also recently restyled the MK25H truck mixer pump that was introduced in 2013. The MK25H has four booms, the last two booms in carbon fibre. The machine’s new 607 CC EPC closes circuit pumping unit is operated electronically and allows a linear cast without shakes.
The boom can be opened in 5.2m height only and it reaches a pumping height of more than 24m, with a horizontal opening of over 20m.