
February 6, 2014
Up to US$169.24 million (IDR 2.03 trillion) is needed to repair Indonesia’s roads damaged in floods in several parts of the country, according to…
February 6, 2014
Auction firm Ritchie Bros reports strong performance for its online construction machinery marketplace, EquipmentOne, in the first year since the…
February 6, 2014
Grey ‘stealth’ speed cameras are set to be installed on busy stretches of UK motorways to target motorists driving above the 70mph limit, according…
February 6, 2014
In Paris, France US company Uber has launched UberPOP, a car-sharing service allowing private citizens who share their cars to be paid. The average…
February 6, 2014
A major undersea tunnel project is planned for Malaysia. The George Town-Butterworth tunnel will be a 6.5km undersea link and this project is…
February 6, 2014
A series of major project tenders are opening in Brazil. The Brazilian Government has announced five new road tenders to be launched in 2014. The…
February 4, 2014
Transnational collaboration on road infrastructure innovation is the aim of the ERA-NET Plus (EN Plus) Infravation event. The Infravation 2014 Call…
February 4, 2014
The European Union is set to co-finance with over €2.2 million from the TEN-T Programme a series of studies aiming to help realise the European…
February 3, 2014
In the United States, a US$1.4 billion transport package has been approved by the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors for funding highway…
February 3, 2014
Mexico's Secretariat for Transport and Communications (SCT) has released US$2.01 billion (MXN 27 billion) for road work tenders to be carried out in…
February 3, 2014
Up to 35 fixed and five mobile radar devices are expected to be installed on Luxembourg’s roads in 2014 in order to boost safety. Jeannot Mersch,…
February 3, 2014
Plans are on track for the new Ohio River Bridge project in the US. Bilfinger Berger Global Infrastructure SIVAC has completed at acquisition of a 33…
February 3, 2014
Plans are on track for the new Ohio River Bridge project in the US. Bilfinger Berger Global Infrastructure SIVAC has completed at acquisition of a 33…
February 3, 2014
Work is starting in Paraguay on a programme to construct 100 reinforced concrete bridges. These will replace old wooden structures that have been…
February 3, 2014
Pre -feasibility studies are commencing for a new tunnel project in Colombia capital Bogota. The tunnel is set to link Bogota’s north side with La…