
December 11, 2017
New strategies in several developed countries are being introduced in strategies to try to reduce the incidences of driving under the influence. The…
December 6, 2017
Bridges will be built in Bermuda, following the award of the design contract to a UK team comprising Ramboll, Knight Architects and Eadon Consulting…
December 6, 2017
Construction work for the second stage of the Chusovaya Bridge in Russia is commencing. The contract for the project is being handled by construction…
December 6, 2017
Construction for a key congestion cutting contract in Colorado is coming shortly.
December 5, 2017
Steady growth in the US market for transport infrastructure construction in 2018. This prediction comes from a new report by the American Road &…
December 5, 2017
Plans are being drawn up in Tunisia for the Maghreb Motorway project.
December 4, 2017
Jamaica is seeing an improvement in road safety, with a reduction in casualty levels. So far in 2017, overall road deaths have been 49 less than in…
December 1, 2017
The organisers of the Hillhead 2018 quarry exhibition in the UK says that the show’s Main Pavilion is now officially sold out. So far 97% of outdoor…
December 1, 2017
Argentina is refining the country’s road development plans. The programme calls for investments of US$16.7 billion for the work, which will be…
December 1, 2017
Kenya is on track to build a new highway connection from the port of Lamu to Isiolo. The project is for a 530km highway and will cost US$620 million…
December 1, 2017
The contract to widen a key section of one of Northern California’s most congested highways has now been awarded. The US$107 million package of works…
December 1, 2017
Russia’s M-11 highway connecting its capital Moscow with the second city, St Petersburg, will be fully open to traffic in 2018. The new tolled…
December 1, 2017
Costa Rica’s long running San Ramon road project is costing more than originally expected while taking longer to build than planned. The work on the…
December 1, 2017
An extension project is being planned for the Southern Beltway in the US state of Pennsylvania. The work is being planned by the Pennsylvania…
December 1, 2017
Funding for a new highway project in Tunisia is being provided by the African Development Bank. The funding comes in the shape of a loan worth US$145…