January 10, 2019
Mexico is setting out an ambitious programme of infrastructure development to the Tehuantepec Isthmus area in Oaxaca State in the south of the…
January 10, 2019
Mexico is setting out an ambitious programme of infrastructure development to the Tehuantepec Isthmus area in Oaxaca State in the south of the…
January 10, 2019
The fallback option for a major road and tunnel project in Australia now includes the possible payment of compensation should construction delays…
January 9, 2019
Semcon, a Swedish applied automation company, said it has started an on-site project to clear snow from runway landing lights using autonomous…
January 9, 2019
Canada’s Alberta province is considering a US$1.2 billion upgrade to its High Load Corridor that recently saw transportation of an 820 tonne…
January 9, 2019
Europe’s drive for improved road safety will see new targets being set. Previous ambitious plans to reduce road casualty rates have not been achieved…
January 9, 2019
Construction of a major new expressway is due to commence in Laos during February 2019. The country is also planning an extensive programme of road…
January 8, 2019
A tender has been announced to build a third lane for the A2 motorway between Lodz and Warsaw in Poland. According to the Polish General Directorate…
January 8, 2019
A number of major road concession agreements in Brazil are coming to the end of their terms by 2021. This includes eight concession packages for key…
January 8, 2019
Concern has been expressed in Colombia at potential traffic congestion around the new Tunel de Oriente in Antioquia. Existing roads in Baltimore in…
January 8, 2019
Vietnam is setting a plan in progress to cut the country’s road crash rate. The aim is to reduce deaths and serious injuries on the country’s road…
January 8, 2019
Work to the third section of Bangkok’s expressway project is being planned in Thailand. A section of the new expressway will use existing pillars on…
January 7, 2019
Six major highway projects are planned to boost transport connections in India’s Rajasthan State and are worth a total of US$726.2 million. Work is…
January 7, 2019
Construction of the Canal Seco highway in Honduras, which links the country’s Atlantic and Pacific coasts, still has to be completed.
January 7, 2019
Vietnam’s impressive road development programme is now gearing up, with a series of major projects scheduled to commence in 2019. Work is starting on…