
November 5, 2012
ARRB has signed an important agreement with Radar Portal Systems (RPS), a privately owned company involved in the development of equipment for the…
November 5, 2012
A new study into the impact of extreme weather conditions on Europe’s transport network has been carried out by Finland’s VTT Technical Research…
November 5, 2012
Strabag is keen to be involved in the construction of a road tunnel under the Ufa river in the Republic of Bashkortostan (Volga). Representatives of…
November 5, 2012
The Ministry of Public Works of Chile has opened the bids for the near US $ 227 million (CLP 109.39bn) Route D 43 road concession in Chile. Sacyr…
November 5, 2012
A new 240tonne bridge has now been installed over the M54 as part of a major overnight engineering operation. The single-span bridge, which stretches…
November 5, 2012
In the UK town of Luton, a contractor has been hard at work demolishing a car park. Situated in the centre of this large town, the car park had to be…
November 2, 2012
UK Transport Secretary Patrick McLoughlin has approved a planning inspector's report for a new bridge across the Wear in Sunderland. Four firms,…
November 2, 2012
Funds earmarked by the Brazilian Government to improve roads, railways and hydro channels for shipping cargo transport have not been fully spent,…
November 2, 2012
The British government’s decision to cut back hard on its highways maintenance spending plans will severely degrade the quality of local roads across…
November 2, 2012
The Spanish construction company Ferrovial has completed its US $ 1.40 billion (€1.08bn) works on the SH-130 motorway in Texas (US). The company is…
November 1, 2012
IAM (Institute of Advanced Motorists) director Neil Greig said “much more” needed to be done to sustain an encouraging drop in the latest published…
November 1, 2012
Concern has been expressed over recidivist motorists in Europe who continue to flout seatbelt laws, despite strong evidence that they risk serious…
November 1, 2012
Bidding is strong for work on a key section of the Moscow to St Petersburg highway. Several offers have been made for the project, which will connect…
November 1, 2012
The authorities in Indonesia have set out extensive plans to source funding for new tolled highways. In all seven highway projects have been…
October 31, 2012
The authorities in Russia’s Astrakhan Region intend to boost road investment in 2013. Over US$289 million is being budgeted for road repair and…