Western High-Speed Diameter (WHSD) contract in St Petersburg annulled

Vice Governor of St.Petersburg Sergey Kozyrev has reported that an agreement with the Vozrozhdenie group of companies on construction of the northern section of the Western High-Speed Diameter (WHSD) can be annulled after a failure to complete the works on time. Another subcontractor is reported to be likely to complete construction of the multi-million dollar toll highway project in St Petersburg. Vozrozhdenie says delays were caused by non-payment for works already implemented. According to Vozrozhdenie,
November 6, 2012
Vice Governor of St.Petersburg Sergey Kozyrev has reported that an agreement with the 6442 Vozrozhdenie group of companies on construction of the northern section of the Western High-Speed Diameter (WHSD) can be annulled after a failure to complete the works on time.

Another subcontractor is reported to be likely to complete construction of the multi-million dollar toll highway project in St Petersburg. Vozrozhdenie says delays were caused by non-payment for works already implemented. According to Vozrozhdenie, the authorities must address their claims to Mostootryad-19, the project’s primary contractor. The latter won a tender for construction worth US $ 446.19 million (RUB 14bn). Mostootryad-19's debt to Vozrozhdenie is reported to have reached $ 20.33 million (RUB 640mn).
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