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Western Australia - roads under focus

Western Australia has set a budget of US$998.52 million (A$1.2 billion) for highway work during the next fiscal year, 2010/2011. Major projects being targeted include the Great Eastern highway, the Roa highway and the Dampier highway. Other important links being tackled will be the Alexander Drive-Reid Highway interchange and the Coalfields Highway upgrade.
May 29, 2012 Read time: 1 min
Western Australia has set a budget of US$998.52 million (A$1.2 billion) for highway work during the next fiscal year, 2010/2011. Major projects being targeted include the Great Eastern highway, the Roa highway and the Dampier highway. Other important links being tackled will be the Alexander Drive-Reid Highway interchange and the Coalfields Highway upgrade. The budget will also include a substantial sum for improving highway safety through the State Black Spot and the Safer Roads schemes.

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