VIDEO: Get me to the church on time, and fast

God willing, two nuns in northern Slovakia caught on camera speeding managed to get home, or to the church, safely and on time. The sister, accompanied by another nun, was pushing her Skoda Fabia with religious conviction to around 160kph, or 100mph. However, they haven’t been the fastest nuns around Europe in recent years. In 2009, a nun in Italy, near Turin, was stopped by police for nudging upwards of 180kph – 110mph. The UK’s Daily Mail newspaper reported at the time that “demon driver Sister T
November 12, 2015
God willing, two nuns in northern Slovakia caught on camera speeding managed to get home, or to the church, safely and on time.

The sister, accompanied by another nun, was pushing her Skoda Fabia with religious conviction to around 160kph, or 100mph.

However, they haven’t been the fastest nuns around Europe in recent years. In 2009, a nun in Italy, near Turin, was stopped by police for nudging upwards of 180kph – 110mph.

The UK’s Daily Mail newspaper <%$Linker:2External<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?><dictionary />000oLinkExternalreportedVisit daily mail website false> at the time that “demon driver Sister Tavoletta, 56, was at the wheel of the Ford Fiesta, while two other nuns aged 65 and 78, were with her when shocked police pulled them over”.

Sister Tavoletta said that they had heard that Pope Benedict XVI had fallen and freactured his wrist and they we were on our way to make sure he alright.

Plausible? The nuns were stopped on a dual carriageway at Quincinetto, near Turin and an hour's drive from Pope Benedict's summer home at Les Combes.

They had heard that Pope had slipped and fractured his wrist at the Salesian convent where they live and immediately got into a car to try to visit him.

A police spokesperson said that the police who stopped her took her licence away and had one of the other nuns get behind the wheel for the rest of their journey. Hallelujah!