Romanian road bids

Bidding is healthy for key road projects in Romania. Four companies and one consortium have submitted bids for the modernisation of the DN18 national road linking Baia Mare with Iacobeni.
February 29, 2012
Bidding is healthy for key road projects in Romania. Four companies and one consortium have submitted bids for the modernisation of the DN18 national road linking Baia Mare with Iacobeni. The 200km project is worth €194.65 million, excluding VAT. The bidders are: Shapir of Israel, 945 Strabag of Austria, Aktor and Mochlos of Greece and a consortium formed by Spedition UMB and Tehnostrade. Shapir, Aktor and Strabag placed bids for the upgrade to the stretch between Baia Mare and Sighetul Marmatiei and the section from Sighetul Marmatiei - Moisei. The three companies also placed bids for the upgrade of the third segment of the national road between Moisei and Iacobeni. The works will take up to 24 months, with financing from the 1054 European Investment Bank (EIB) and the Romanian Government.
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