Rema Tip Top conveys new products

Rema Tip Top, focussing on service know-how, has further extended its comprehensive portfolio of industrial applications and now offers both the design and production of Remawell sidewall conveyor belts. These special conveyor belts, constructed from the components (basic belt, sidewalls and cleats) permit the transport of all kinds of bulk material. The three components taken together give a defined transport volume that is constant even if the conveyor routing is vertical or skewed, thus ensuring a consta
April 9, 2013
Rema Tip Top sidewall conveyor belt
Rema Tip Top's portfolio of industrial applications includes the design and production of Remawell sidewall conveyor belt
7277 Rema Tip Top, focussing on service know-how, has further extended its comprehensive portfolio of industrial applications and now offers both the design and production of Remawell sidewall conveyor belts.

These special conveyor belts, constructed from the components (basic belt, sidewalls and cleats) permit the transport of all kinds of bulk material. The three components taken together give a defined transport volume that is constant even if the conveyor routing is vertical or skewed, thus ensuring a constant and defined transport of material.

Among other products being highlighted are a new variant of the Remalide low-friction slider bed bars, the Remaslide LF impact bars for conveying system material transfer stations, and the Remagrip CK-X HD (20mm thick) and Remagrip CK-X HDX  (25mm thick) variants, which continues the trend of ongoing increases in product optimisation in the field of pulley lagging.

The new product variants are said to combine the excellent properties of the Remagrip CK-X with the advantages of a much greater safety buffer required for heavily utilised large-scale conveyor belt systems.

Stand: B2.321/416

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