Record low for UK road deaths

Figures published by the UK Department for Transport have confirmed that annual road deaths have reached an all-time low
March 1, 2012
Figures published by the 1439 UK Department for Transport have confirmed that annual road deaths have reached an all-time low - 1,850 people were killed in reported road accidents in Great Britain during 2010, a reduction of 17 per cent on the previous year's figure, while there was an eight per cent reduction in the number of seriously injured to 22,660, and a reduction of six per cent in slightly injured to 208,648.

Despite the overall reduction in casualties, there was a disappointing seven per cent rise in the number of cyclists killed (111), while the number of cyclists seriously injured also increased, by two per cent, to 2,660.

"This record fall in road deaths is excellent news," said road safety minister, Mike Penning. "But five people still die on the roads every day and improving road safety remains a priority. That is why we are taking steps to make it easier for the police to enforce against drink- and drug-driving as well as looking at how we can improve cycle safety."
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