Random drink driving checks have been carried out in Ireland

A new, short video shot on in Dublin shows the effort and resource put into a large-scale 'Mandatory Alcohol Test' on a busy street in the city. Nearly 200 people were tested (car drivers, motorcyclists, bus and van drivers) during the hour-long operation. There was not a single positive test provided - and this backs up new statistics from Ireland that show the success of their decision to introduce a lower alcohol limit for drivers in October 2011. The detection rate in 2007 was one in 25. Today it stands
December 20, 2012
A new, short video shot on in Dublin shows the effort and resource put into a large-scale 'Mandatory Alcohol Test' on a busy street in the city. Nearly 200 people were tested (car drivers, motorcyclists, bus and van drivers) during the hour-long operation. There was not a single positive test provided - and this backs up new statistics from Ireland that show the success of their decision to introduce a lower alcohol limit for drivers in October 2011. The detection rate in 2007 was one in 25. Today it stands at one in 49, with far more detections now taking place.