Pan-Borneo highway upgrade in discussion

Plans are being worked on for an upgrade to the 2,083km Pan—Borneo highway. The Malaysian Government is discussing options with regard to the highway, which connects Sarawak's Sematan, with Brunei and Sabah's Serudung. The work is expected to require five years to be carried out and would also include constructing link roads. The project is expected to cost in the order of US$3.23 billion and Malaysian contractor Naim Holdings is amongst the leading bidders for the work. The highway project forms part of an
June 6, 2013
Plans are being worked on for an upgrade to the 2,083km Pan—Borneo highway. The 3491 Malaysian Government is discussing options with regard to the highway, which connects Sarawak's Sematan, with Brunei and Sabah's Serudung. The work is expected to require five years to be carried out and would also include constructing link roads. The project is expected to cost in the order of US$3.23 billion and Malaysian contractor Naim Holdings is amongst the leading bidders for the work. The highway project forms part of an election pledge by the present Malaysian administration.
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