New urban road for Mexico City

A new highway project in Mexico City is to commence in a bid to further tackle massive congestion problems. Mexico City suffers from amongst the worst traffic congestion in the world and peak time travel is notorious for delays and jams. A new high speed road is to be constructed as part of a long term plan to link major roads and reduce congestion. The contract was won by OHL Mexico’s subsidiary Controladora Via Rapida Poetas subsidiary. The deal will add a further 2km to a new 5km road under construction.
July 24, 2012
A new highway project in Mexico City is to commence in a bid to further tackle massive congestion problems. Mexico City suffers from amongst the worst traffic congestion in the world and peak time travel is notorious for delays and jams. A new high speed road is to be constructed as part of a long term plan to link major roads and reduce congestion. The contract was won by 5494 OHL Mexico’s subsidiary Controladora Via Rapida Poetas subsidiary. The deal will add a further 2km to a new 5km road under construction. The road forms part of the highway connecting Toluca, Cuernavaca and Queretaro.

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