A new tolled highway is planned for Virginia in the US

In the US State of Virginia plans are now moving forward for construction of the US$460 tolled highway. This 88km route will connect Petersburg and Suffolk and will cost $1.4 billion to construct. A consortium headed by Spanish firm Ferrovial Agroman has qualified to handle the design, build, finance deal for the project. The package of works also includes building junctions for the highway to connect with seven existing roads. The financing of the project has still to be completed but this stage is expect
October 26, 2012
In the US State of Virginia plans are now moving forward for construction of the US$460 tolled highway. This 88km route will connect Petersburg and Suffolk and will cost $1.4 billion to construct. A consortium headed by Spanish firm 2717 Ferrovial Agroman has qualified to handle the design, build, finance deal for the project. The package of works also includes building junctions for the highway to connect with seven existing roads. The financing of the project has still to be completed but this stage is expected shortly. Design work will commence in 2013 with the construction expected to start in 2014.
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