Manila’s Evel Knievel wannabe hits his stride

If you’re going to have an accident, why not make a real day of it and have several? That’s exactly what one motorcycle driver – a possible Evel Knievel in training - did in the Philippines capital Manila. If you watch closely, the driver had a passenger when he ran into the first vehicle, a white minivan. Wisely, the passenger did not get back on after both he and the motorcycle driver were tossed off. Instead, the passenger casually wanders around, following the driver as he embarks on yet more prangs.
January 15, 2015
Manila Worst driver Video avatar
If you’re going to have an accident, why not make a real day of it and have several? That’s exactly what one motorcycle driver – a possible <%$Linker:2External<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?><dictionary />000oLinkExternal Evel KnievelVisit Evel Knievel's Spectacular Jumpsfalse> in training - did in the Philippines capital Manila.

If you watch closely, the driver had a passenger when he ran into the first vehicle, a white minivan. Wisely, the passenger did not get back on after both he and the motorcycle driver were tossed off. Instead, the passenger casually wanders around, following the driver as he embarks on yet more prangs.

Count ‘em. Four crashes into vehicles, with the last one being the hardest, a head on with another truck. The driver appears to have hurt himself and he jumps around. He then seemingly runs off holding his hands to his stomach. But he quickly reappears and jumps back onto the bike only to……

Meanwhile, the passenger casually wanders off, not particularly bothered by the driver’s fate.

Just what is that large hole in the ground for? Collecting errant motorcycle drivers?