Malaysia road dangers highlighted by fatalities

Malaysia’s road safety record is worsening with an increase in road fatalities in 2015. There were 6,706 road deaths in Malaysia during 2015, compared with 6,674 in 2014. The country has been taking some measures to reduce the casualty toll but has not managed to halt the increase in road deaths/year. In 2015 the number of road crashes reached 489,606, growing by 2.8% compared with 2014. Of the road deaths in 2015, 62% (3,816) were of powered two wheeler riders (387 deaths were of pillion riders). The in
November 1, 2016
Malaysia’s road safety record is worsening with an increase in road fatalities in 2015. There were 6,706 road deaths in Malaysia during 2015, compared with 6,674 in 2014. The country has been taking some measures to reduce the casualty toll but has not managed to halt the increase in road deaths/year. In 2015 the number of road crashes reached 489,606, growing by 2.8% compared with 2014. Of the road deaths in 2015, 62% (3,816) were of powered two wheeler riders (387 deaths were of pillion riders).

The information comes from the "2015 Statistical Report on Road Accidents". The data shows that around 11,550 people were injured in road crashes in 2015, with human error being the primary cause. People in the 16-20 age bracket account for the greatest number of road deaths with 934 fatalities while those aged 21-25 account for 828 fatalities.