Liebherr posts €8.963.6bn 2013 turnover amid big production site investment

The Liebherr Group achieved turnover of €8.963.6 billion in 2013 – down 1.4% (€126.6 million) on 2012. The group said the full business year figure was posted against a backdrop of “moderate” international economic progress, with 2013 also seeing €830 million invested by the group in production facilities and its sales and service network. The Liebherr Group’s global workforce also rose again last year by 4% (1,623) to 39,424. In the construction machinery and mining area, turnover in 2013 reached €5,630
June 16, 2014
Liebherr’s stand at the Conexpo 2014
Liebherr’s stand at the Conexpo 2014 show in Las Vegas, United States
The 718 Liebherr Group achieved turnover of €8.963.6 billion in 2013 – down 1.4% (€126.6 million) on 2012.

The group said the full business year figure was posted against a backdrop of “moderate” international economic progress, with 2013 also seeing €830 million invested by the group in production facilities and its sales and service network. The Liebherr Group’s global workforce also rose again last year by 4% (1,623) to 39,424.

In the construction machinery and mining area, turnover in 2013 reached €5,630.4 million - €238.5 million or 4.1 % below the previous year’s figure. The area comprises the earthmoving, mobile crane, tower crane, concrete technology and mining divisions.

Group turnover in 2013 is said to have developed very differently from one sales region to another. The Liebherr Group’s ten largest sales markets were Germany, the USA, Australia, Russia, France, Great Britain, Canada, the Netherlands, Brazil and South Africa.

In Western Europe the Group was able to increase its turnover by €191.2 million or 4.8 % to €4.157.5 million. In Eastern Europe, turnover fell by €139.1 million or 13.2 % and totalled €914.1 million. This downturn was primarily due, said the Group, to a negative trend in Russia.

In the Near and Middle East, Liebherr’s turnover was €306.5 million, equivalent to a drop of 1.4 million or 0.5 % when compared with the previous year. Significant increases were recorded in Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.

In America the Liebherr Group was unable to maintain the previous year’s positive business pattern. At €1.470.3million, turnover was down slightly by €28.8 million or 1.9%.

On the African continent, the Group’s turnover after a year of “satisfactory business activity” totalled €606million, an increase of €14.2 million or 2.4 %.

Following an upturn in the Far East/Australia region in the previous business year, the Group’s turnover dropped to €1.509.2million in 2013 and was therefore €162.7 million or 9.7% lower.

Of the total €830 million group investment in production sites and sales and service provision, €552.5 million was invested in the construction machinery and mining area, approximately half of which was devoted to the earthmoving division. In the summer of 2013, building work began on a new group logistics centre near Kirchdorf an der Iller, Germany.

The Liebherr Group expects its overall turnover for 2014 to be similar to last year, though, the group says, performance will differ from one division to another. The group says there is likely to be a further increase in the size of its workforce before the end of the year.
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